Joanne Renaud

Joanne Renaud is a graduate in illustration from Art Center College of Design in Pasadena, California who currently lives in the Atlanta area. Recent clients include Simon and Schuster, Random House, Houghton Mifflin, Harcourt Inc., McGraw Hill Glencoe, Mazer Creative Services, Delta Education, Zaner Bloser, Bold Pueblo Games, GOS Multimedia and Dark Valentine Magazine. Check out her new Wordpress blog.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Dark Valentine Magazine is here

I'm the art director on a new magazine, Dark Valentine, that is dedicated to dark fiction. The publisher, Katherine Tomlinson, veteran of the movie, magazine and publishing industries, is our publisher, and author Christine Pope is our valiant editor. The amazing graphic designer/illustrator Sarah Vaughn designed our website, which is now up and running.

You can see the new Dark Valentine website here. I'm very happy with the site, and I can't wait until the first issue.

We are accepting submissions for story submissions and illustrations. Here are the details:

The first issue will be in May, deadline is April 1.

We’re soliciting entries for our THROUGH A LENS DARKLY (they’re not paid) and we will pay $10 for stories and $10 for illustrations that run in each of our quarterly issues of DARK VALENTINE. We know that’s not much but it’s coming out of our own pockets.) Web design is by the multi-talented Sarah Vaughn, whose stories and art you may remember from Astonishing Adventures Magazines #7 and #8.

We will be specializing in dark fiction—mystery, horror, romance, slipstream, urban fantasy, fantasy, sci fi, cyberpunk, you name it. Our influences range from E.A. Poe to Tanith Lee. We know you’ve got a story to tell us.

Here’s where you send it:


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